Adult Ministries

Adult Bible Study Classes:

Epworth, Crusaders

Room 125, 9:45-10:45 am

POC: Perry and Pat Heath
Before Amen,
by Max Lucado

Jody (music director) plays the (modified-to-be-electric) organ and sings with us every Sunday. Special projects include the San Marcos Food Bank and insurance for uninsured children.

Family and Fellowship

Room 129, 9:45-10:45 am

The Lord’s Prayer,
by Adam Hamilton

For Advent, we will study Not a Silent Night, by Adam Hamilton

We enjoy monthly to quarterly social gatherings with lots of food, fun and fellowship.

Jack Hughes

Room 130, 9:45-10:45 am

POC: Ruth Phillips

Old Testament through Jewish Eyes

We have a annual Christmas party. Our projects include Angels at Christmas and special donations.

One in the Spirit

Room 126, 9:45-10:45 am

POC: Athena Reiche

We take thorough dives into each book of the bible.

Currently we are studying The Baby Boomer Bible Study.

Class social twice a year

Upper Room

9:45-10:45 am Room 123 and on Zoom

Christianity’s Family Tree, by Adam Hamilton starts March 19, 2023

POC: Martha Moore

Our motto is we agree to disagree. We participate in School Fuel, United Campus Ministries, and the Welcome Center.

Sisters in Christ

Sisters in Christ meet Mondays at 6pm to 7:30 on zoom.

We are on break until fall -
Monday after Labor Day.

Our new Study will be on the Epic of Eden!

Contact Cheryl Gillmore for info

Harmony of the Gospels:

Simon Building, Room nearest Hopkins Street & Online Check-Ins | Contact: Brian Hurt

United Methodist Men and Methodist Women

Here at FUMCSM we are very lucky to have both a very active and productive United Methodist Women group and a United Methodist Men group. Our men and women both are active in not only the church, but the community as well.

Methodist Women

Who are we?

The United Methodist Women is a sisterhood acting in faith to tackle the hard work of the world, without hesitation. Driven by God's love, we work to improve the lives of women, children, and youth. When we are needed we show up. We take action to get our goals accomplished and we invite any woman of the church to join us.

When do we meet?

The Executive Board meets the third Monday of each month at 10am.
The Martha Circle meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 10am
The UMW does not have regular meetings in June, July, or August.

What have we been doing?

The ladies of the United Methodist Women have been busy serving those in need. Some of the projects we have tackle each year include:

  • Casserole sales to raise money for our youth retreats
  • Gathering supplies for Southside Community Center
  • Donating school supplies for two local elementary schools (and snacks for the teachers!)
  • Raising money for the Prison Book Reading Program
  • Help provide snacks for the United Campus Ministries
  • Collecting stocking stuffers for the Hayes County Women's Shelter
  • And a myriad of volunteering opportunities around the community

Get in contact

If you would like to learn more or get involved, please contact
Bridgette Griffin

United Methodist Men

Who are we?

The United Methodist Men's mission is to help men grow in Christ,
so others may know Christ.

When do we meet?

We meet monthly (1st Wed of the month) for breakfast at 6:30am
in the Fellowship Hall.

What have we been doing?

We have various activities in the church and within the community including serving meals at Southside Community Center, hosting church meals with guest speakers and performing various projects around the church.

Get in contact

If you would like to learn more or get involved, please contact
Clay Green